Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas foodie goodie fatafat! part 2


It's that time of the year when everyone truly enjoys having family and friends over for a feisty celebratory meal together.And Christmas is not just about food but about food for joy, food that sparkles. So here's another quick fix-put in a colorful jar recipe which doesn't take long at all.

hokey pokey in a box!!
HOKEY POKEY: The traditional hokey pokey is brilliantly popular with the English but it can always get apna desi touch :-) It makes for a great Christmas gift as well. It is brilliant to have on its own but you can use it as a great accompaniment to ice creams, with your bowl of cereal, coated with chocolate, as a layer in a mousse cake and even with fresh berries!! Here's how we do it:

100 gms granulated sugar
4 tbsp golden syrup
1 & a 1/2 tsp  soda bicarb

Put the sugar and golden syrup in a thick bottomed pan and stir together. Now put the pan on heat and do not stir. Let the mixture melt and then turn gooey, bubbling into an amber colour, for not more than 3 minutes. Take the pan off the heat and add 1 ½ tsp of soda bicarb and watch the magic.
chocolate hokey pokey bars-goodies2much
The syrup will quickly bubble into a sparkling cloud like aerated, orangey gold.  Now quickly transfer the mixture on to a parchment or baking paper.
Now its time for you to give it your personal desi touch. You can add the Christmas flavours you like, for instance, some cut raisins, even some sharpness with ginger powder called soonth. You can also add my favourite of all ingredients, cinnamon. Of course, thereafter you have to break the big cloud into small pieces of magical,disappear-in-your mouth goodies. Dunk them in melted chocolate if you like and put them back on the parchment paper to dry.

I personally love hokey pokey as it is but specially for Christmas you can adorn it in a silver box with a dash of Christmassy edible glitter :-) Once the hokey pokey is sitting well inside, put a tag through a red and white ribbon and tie it to this golden happy gift. For more food fun, log onto

Merry Christmas!!!
love, Anu

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