Friday, July 3, 2015


Guacomole-To pea or not to Pea?!!

Avocado and all things good for the classic guacamole
While the world and it's cousins are going bonkers over the 'guacamole gate' thanks to President Obama refusing to entertain any 'peas' in his guacamole, I thought its a good time to taste avocados in all their glory with a few recipes including my version of the 'classic guacamole'.
Avacados are still quite a novelty in India considering its foreign origins. They are expensive, almost 2 dollars for a 100gms but still I pick them up from the fancy super markets coz I think they are absolutely delicious.
Nutritionally speaking, it is rich in healthy fats, most of which is made up of oleic acid. This monounsaturated fatty acid is also found in olive oil and is believed to help reduce inflammation in the body and lower your risk for certain cancers.

So here we go with my recipe of

Classic Guacomole

I agree with President Obama on saying NO to peas to this supremely delicious dip which is served with Nachos and other crisps.

the classic Guacomole
  • 1 medium ripe avocado
  • 1 crushed jalapeno or
  • 1 tbsp of red bell pepper
  • 1 tomato 
  • 1/2 a white onion
  • ½ cup fresh coriander (roughly chopped)
  • ¼ tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice
  • seasoning
How to make it?
Scoop out the avacado and add to the bowl full of the other nicely diced fresh ingredients. Add the lemon juice and adjust salt as per taste. voila!!! I love this Guacomole with Nachos. U can choose some healthier options as well.

Avocado Sandwich spread
the Avocado spread on toasted multi grain bread

This is the simplest and the healthiest one can get.  Simply scoop out a ripe avocado and add ingredients of your choice. May be some chives, cilantro, mint, a dash of lemon or balsamic vinegar and salt & pepper for seasoning. mix everything together until it all turns into a smooth spread. now Spread over a good quality multi grain wheat bread and your healthy breakfast or pre-work out snack is ready :-)

Hot tip:
You can add bacon and some sour cream and spread the same on a toasted bagel as well. Salmon is a great option too. I also enjoy this green gooey spread in wheat wraps with grilled chicken and fresh veggies :-)

So Peas or not, I recommend you add some avocado to your life! Hail! 'Guacamole gate'
Luv, Anu